[:en]The Cercle National des Armées is a public administrative establishment with a social and cultural vocation endowed with legal personality and which responds to a dual vocation:

  • Welcoming active, retired or honorary officers. It is a place of meeting and exchange which participates in the durability of traditions, the grandeur and the prestige of the state of officer.
  • Welcoming the high authorities of the Ministry of the Armed Forces, as well as their civilian and military guests, French and foreign.

[:en]The Cercle National des Armées is a public administrative body with a social and cultural purpose. As a legal entity it has a twofold vocation:

  • Receive serving, retired and honorary officers. The CNA is a place to meet and exchange, contributing to the longevity of the tradition, the greatness and the prestige of the officer’s rank.
  • Receive the high authorities of the Ministry of Defense, as well as their civilian and military guests, either French or foreign.
